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This page describes the REST endpoint for registering provenance claims through Royal’s infrastructure. For authentication details, please refer to the Authentication page, and for overall API best practices, see API Guidelines.


The Registration API enables you to:


Before you can use the Registration API, you need to:

Quick Start

Initiate a file upload with the file’s name and size:

Terminal window
curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ryl_sk_YOUR_SECRET_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"filename": "epic-meme.jpg",
"size": 13716

The response will include an upload ID and a URL where you can PUT the file’s contents to upload it:


Upload the file’s contents to the URL provided in the response:

Terminal window
curl -X PUT[...truncated...] \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ryl_sk_YOUR_SECRET_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: image/jpeg" \
-H "Content-Length: 13716" \
-d @epic-meme.jpg

Once uploaded, you can do a GET /v0/files/:id to see if the file has been fully ingested. If so, a 200 OK response will be returned with the file’s content hash:


Otherwise a 404 is returned.

API Endpoints

Register Provenance Claim

POST /v0/provenance/register

Request Format

Body Fields
originator_idstringYesThe Royal ID of the content creator
file_urlstringNo*URL where the content can be accessed
content_hashstringNo*Blake3 hash (hex encoded, without prefix)
namestringYesName of the content
descriptionstringYesDescription of the content (supports Markdown)
external_urlstringNoURL where users can view the content
imagestringNoImage URL representing the content
multimedia_urlstringNoURL for multimedia or interactive content
metadataobjectNoAdditional metadata for the NFT
provenance_attributesarrayNoAdditional attributes about the claim
contextobjectNoAny additional context passed through to webhooks
  • Either file_url or content_hash must be provided.
Example Request Payload
"originator_id": "123",
"file_url": "",
"name": "Digital Artwork #1",
"description": "An original digital artwork created with...",
"external_url": "",
"image": "",
"metadata": {
"artist": "Jane Smith",
"medium": "Digital",
"year": 2024
"provenance_attributes": [
"type": "ai",
"data": {
"service": {
"account_id": "456",
"name": "Midjourney",
"url": ""
"metadata": {
"prompt": "A serene landscape..."

Response Formats

Success (201 Created)
"id": "reg_123abc..."
  • HTTP Status: 201 Created
  • Header: x-request-id (protocol-level identifier)
Error Response
"error": {
"type": "validation_error",
"message": "file_url or content_hash must be provided"

Fetch Provenance Claim Status


GET /v0/provenance/register/:id


This endpoint retrieves the status of a provenance claim request by its ID. The request must be authorized for your application, as specified in the authorization header.

Success Response

  • Status: 200 OK

  • Response Body:

    "app_id": integer,
    "chain_events": [
    // chain event fields without "tags"
    "content_hash": string,
    "context": object,
    "file_url": string,
    "id": integer,
    "inserted_at": string,
    "state": string,
    "transaction_hash": string,
    "updated_at": string,
    "originator_id": string,
    "nft_metadata": object | null,
    "transaction_receipt": {
    "blockHash": string,
    "blockNumber": integer,
    "contractAddress": string,
    "cumulativeGasUsed": integer,
    "effectiveGasPrice": integer,
    "from": string,
    "gasUsed": integer,
    "logs": [
    "address": string,
    "blockHash": string,
    "blockNumber": integer,
    "data": string,
    "logIndex": integer,
    "removed": boolean,
    "topics": [string],
    "transactionHash": string,
    "transactionIndex": integer
    "logsBloom": string,
    "status": integer,
    "to": string,
    "transactionHash": string,
    "transactionIndex": integer,
    "type": integer

Error Responses

  • 404 Not Found: The specified ID does not exist.
  • 401 Unauthorized: The request is not authorized.
  • 429 Too Many Requests: Rate limit exceeded.
  • 500 Internal Server Error: An error occurred on the server.

Additional Information

For complete API integration tips, please refer to the API Guidelines.

Note: This documentation covers only the REST API for registering claims. For general registrar flows like Identity Verification (IDV) and Webhooks, please see the IDV and Webhooks sections in the Registrar documentation.